
Research Synthesis through Design

Uncovering research

through the
of design.

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together narrative
and metaphor
to create emotion and inspire action.

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Digital Interactions

Building engaging
experiences through interaction
and an ordered narratives

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Project Title Thumbnail Description Project Category
Jazz Sounds gifjazzhands An exercise in visually representing sound with motion and abstract shape n/a
Adding to the Conversation Around Motherhood mocktry_1 copy 2 Mommy-Issues is an exploratory website aiming to add to the conversation around motherhood. Through 13… research
Tackling Low Self-Esteem in the Digital Landscape naver-header-16 A mobile product that aims to increase self-esteem by enabling a user to make and… interaction
Thankful Instead cover_rapidlyevolving Documenting my four years living in Pittsburgh through gifs that represent the significant places that… n/a
Heart’s Content Hearts Content Header A music video made with handmade stamps set to the the song, Heart's Content by… n/a
Hidden Face IMG_5261 A stop motion collage video telling an untold and unknown story.
Senior Design Exhibition croppedheader The senior design class exhibits their work over the past four years at Carnegie Mellon… storytelling
24 hrs of Persuasion to/from God 1 This is a data visualization made to document and explore the digital interaction I have… n/a
Conversational UI in the Automotive Industry repeatthing-newheader A product video that showcases how a Conversational User Interface might be integrated into a… interaction
The Importance of Independent Play headerplay_2 How children play, and their interaction with people and things during play has drastically changed… research
Human-centered Design in the Retail Space dobline-header-15 Collaborated on a team of researchers, designers, and business consultants to deliver research-based insights and… research
Collaborative Storytelling claywhite_inscreendisplay copy A website that facilitates location-based storytelling across the globe. By discovering stories around the world,… interaction
Line Drawings 1 Simple line drawings made through Adobe Illustrator
First Aid for College Students drawing_firstaid [Recovered]-15 This first aid manual specifically designed for college students uses type and hierarchy along with… storytelling
Exploring the Hidden Costs of Reentry barsgif2_cropped Each year over half a million people are released from prison in the US; this… storytelling
Geometric Lights 2 Geometric light fixtures made with a laser cutter and card stock paper.